Wika Beton Majalengka – Jawa Barat
PT. Wika Beton Tbk sebuah perusahaan beton pracetak terkemuka yang memiliki kemitraan…
Agra Surya Energy is Indonesia’s growth green energy provider, with over 2+ years of superior customer service. We are a total solar energy company devoted to sustainability and energy efficiency. We believe the future is clean and green. With your help we are committed to creating it together.
With over a 2 Years of experience and more than 50 completed projects under our belt, Agra Surya Energy has the know-how to expertly handle a solar panel installation of any size or scope. Our team of solar panel installers is comprised of well-trained, certified roofers and electricians. Each group works in stages to ensure that your new panels are installed quickly, seamlessly, and without incident or damage.
Agra Surya Energy has been in business for over 2 years and we are still growing. We are committed to protecting our customers’ investments for the long-term through innovation, efficiency, and quality. Generally, solar system repair is required when there is a system overheat, damaged or dusty solar panels, solar roof leak, reduced efficiency, and other system errors. For solar panels to last longer, proper solar repair service and experienced solar technicians are essential.
During your solar panel consultation, one of our knowledgeable solar experts can educate you on our processes, solar panel benefits, maintenance requirements, and more. It is our goal to make sure that you have all of the information you need to decide whether to proceed with a solar panel installation for your home or business.
PT Agra Surya Energy is Indonesia’s solar panel manufacturer and developer with a visionary ambition of harnessing the flexibility of Indonesia’s clean energy project development potential by manufacturing high quality, affordable solar panel technology. Our partnership approach to business is what makes us stand out.
The company focuses on creating the value of producing high-quality mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline solar modules locally produced and assembled in Indonesia. PT Agra Surya Energy panels include innovative methods in module production and supply chain which ensures our panels are competitively priced. PT Agra Surya Energy panels are highly efficient and specially developed to withstand Indonesia’s tropical climates.
Focused on satisfaction of our clients, PT Agra Surya Energy will provide an Exceptiotnal Quality for our products to the clients.
We act with integrity to sustain our firm, clients, and capital market that we serve. Our commitment to integrity extends through all of our services, to the clients whom we engage, the employees we hire and the international standards that we uphold.
We will keep on trying to innovate our markets, products and standards that we had. At PT Agra Surya Energy, innovation is at our core.
PT Agra Surya Energy is always committed to provide the best services to the clients by ensuring their safety while using the products and services of PT. Agra Surya Energy.
PT. Wika Beton Tbk sebuah perusahaan beton pracetak terkemuka yang memiliki kemitraan…
PT. Wika Beton Tbk sebuah perusahaan beton pracetak terkemuka yang memiliki kemitraan…
Green School
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Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Go Green
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Feasibility study of Company in Serang of 270 kWp roof mounted solar…
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We provide various types of installations such as on grid, off grid, and hybrid.
Our team is certified and experienced in their respective fields
We are experienced in installing solar panels, proven by several completed projects
if there is a problem with solar panels that is rare to occur, our team is always ready to solve it 24/7 Hours
The price we offer is very reasonable when compared to the impact on the environment
We only use Tier 1 by Bloomberg solar panel components which have proven technology and quality
Tinggalkan saja informasi Anda di sini, dan tim kami akan menghubungi Anda sesegera mungkin.
Dr. H. Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir is a diplomat. Last position A.M. Fachir is the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in the Working Cabinet of President Joko Widodo
Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) 2019 – 2020
Experienced in Law & Regulation for Business Policies, Yedidiah has been appointed as the Independent Commissioner of PT. Agra Surya Energy. Previously, Yedidiah appointed as the Chairman of SAPMA Pemuda Pancasila.
Started his career in Forestry as Manager of Natural Forest Development (TPTI) at PT ITCIKU (1988 – 1994) to Director of Operations at PT ITCIKU (2008 -2009). In 2016 he served as President Commissioner of PT Rakabu Sejahtera and as Commissioner of PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur. As of August 25, 2020, he has served as Commissioner of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. And in 2022 Bambang Supriyambodo was appointed as Commissioner of PT. Agra Surya Energy
started his career as CEO of Mahadana Group, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Soekarno Education Foundation, and Board of Trustees of Fatmawati Foundation.
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(+62-21) 2268-4096, 2268-5410 (+62) 87880219002
Komp. Perkantoran Mangga Dua Square Blok E 34 – 37
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.1, Jakarta Utara, 14420 Indonesia
Mon – Fri 8.00 AM – 5.30 PM